Did you know that the requirements for all protective gloves are under revision /EN ISO 21420:2020/?
Did you know that the general requirements for all protective gloves presented in the EN 420: 2003 + A1: 2009 has been revised by the new standard EN ISO 21420: 2020? Do you know how to prepare placed on the market by you PPE products?
We warmly invite you for lecture of an article which has been prepared by Ryszard Szefler and will be published in the national wide magazine ATEST OCHRONA PRACY Issue DEC. 2020.
Did you know that the requirement for the protective gloves against the heat and flame are changing /EN 407:2020/?
The EN 407: 2020 standard has been already revised. In the mid of November 2020 we invite you for the National Seminar organized by the Coats Poland. The seminar will gather the safety industry, employers, Safety Managers, producers, manufacturers, importers and the laboratories.